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3-12-00 Question 14

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    A few years ago, I attended a workshop which was a  hands on learning experience that introduced simple "cooking" projects.  Among the experiences I recall were edible dandelions made from nilla wafers and coconuts.  I also remember a butterfly made of celery, peanut butter, etc..  Each of these stories had a link to a children's book. I remember The Very Hungry Caterpillar was the link for the butterfly.
    I am trying to find the title of the book that was used at this workshop and I am hoping that maybe you will be able to help me with that.  I would also like to know the author as well, or ISBN #.
    Please let me know if you are familiar with this resource book in question and maybe would be able to also give me a contact to buy my own copy.
Desperately seeking cookbook

Dear Desperately seeking cookbook,
Our staff has found many book suggestions for you. I am not sure that they are the exact one you are looking for. The one you are looking for could be out of print. The book that have that seems to be close is Book Cooks, by Creative Teaching press. It is available at the Preschool Education, Education Vstore. I got mine only a few weeks ago. It has many books in it, one being The very  hungry Caterpillar. And you make a butterfly from celery, pretzels, and cream chess. I do not see a  dandelion though. 
    There are also a few suggestions below form the "Ask the Preschool Teacher" staff that may help as well.
The Preschool Teacher

Dear Desperately seeking cookbook,
I have a book called "KinderCooks" a journey through a good book builds a hearty appetite! by Jacki Hinton and Sue Rafferty.  Published by Sundance, Box 1326, Littleton, Mass.01460 - this book has recipes to go with 28 very popular children's books including: "If you give a mouse a cookie", "A pocket for Corduroy", "Dr. Desoto" and "Caps for Sale".
"Ask the Preschool Teacher"

NOTE: I looked this book up and it seems to be out of print.

Dear Desperately seeking cookbook,
A book I have used is titled Food for Thought - Literature Based Thematic Units.  It is by Natalie Hill.  The publisher is Carson-Dellosa.  I could not find an ISBN#.  It should be in a Teacher Supply/Book Store.
Good luck, hope it helps!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

NOTE: I could not find this book listed any where. You can check with the publisher at
. I  am sorry we could not be of more help to you. But you might want to check with your local teachers store now that you have some titles.

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