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1/27/02 Question 145

Dear Preschool Teacher,
     My high school science student has been given the task of explaining reproduction to a group of 2-3 year olds, any ideas?  By the way, this is a group project in biology.  Help us please.
Birds & the Bees at age Three

Dear Birds & the Bees at age Three,
1.I would start with the life cycle of a plant. Start with the sunflower because you can see the seeds so clearly then get into planting, examine the roots and stems, discuss the essentials of life i.e. water, sun, soil!

2.Then you might, and this is a big might, get into the idea that plants start from seeds, animals and people also start from seeds. There are some good preschool books available which address pregnancy and how babies grow! Check out the big bookstore chains for appropriate titles! Invite a pregnant mom and let the children touch and listen to her tummy! I did this
last year and had another mom, who was a doctor bring in her stethoscope. The kids loved it and didn't ask any awkward questions! Provide the basic info. and answer questions briefly, honestly and clearly!

3.You could also discuss the types of animals which come from eggs and how those animals care for their eggs. I.e. snakes, turtles, chickens, fish. Go to your local library for large picture books.
Hope this helps!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Birds & the Bees at age Three,
     I hope the idea of this project is to simplify the explanation so anyone will understand it!  Two and three year olds will not understand any of it.  I would say a mommy and a daddy love each other so they have a baby. That's all they care about anyway.  Of course this is not always the case but it is not the fault of the child.  For biology purposes, I suppose I could stretch it to say their is an egg in a mommy and a sperm in a daddy (which I'm not sure how to explain the word sperm!).  They meet and get married and a baby grows.  But two and three year olds will literally think a chicken egg is in their mommy.  And the word sperm will probably become a
worm, (which is kind of similar) and then you have children who will always be afraid of eggs and worms!  Sorry I cannot be of any more help but it is not developmentally appropriate to teach 2-3 year olds about reproduction!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"


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