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5/10/02 Question 151

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    How easy is it for a preschool teacher to move into the program director's position? I welcome your comments on the responsibilities, commitment, etc..., how other staff would react to one of their own "moving up", and what it would be like not to teach a class but, instead, handle hiring, payroll, field trips and fund-raisers?  Thank you for your comments.
Should I apply?

Dear Should I apply?,
     Absolutely, if you feel ready! Don't worry about how your co-workers might feel, but just treat them as kindly after your promotion as before! As one, who has been in their shoes, you should be great at sympathizing with their needs!
Good luck!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Should I apply?,
I work in a preschool setting where I am the only teacher plus the director too. I'm not sure I would want to give one up for the other. I guess what you need to ask yourself is do you want to leave the teaching end of it to do more administrative work. I wouldn't worry about what peers would think of your move. If it is really something you have been working toward, then you should go for it. If fellow workers are jealous, they will eventually get over it. Obviously, my school is small enough where I can do both and I enjoy doing both.

"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Should I apply?,
     If this is the position you want, I would say you should try for it. You could talk to the current director or another director at a school in the area for a realistic idea of the commitment, but if you are teaching there you probably have a good idea. The other staff should not have a problem with it if you are consistent and fair, treat them politely and professionally, and are an advocate for them. My current director was a teacher at our school and I feel she usually has a good idea of the problems/ stress/ concerns we face as teachers.
Good luck to you!
Kris P
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Should I apply?,
     This is something that I have thought about before too. We had three girls from our center apply for the assistant director position at our center. All were qualified, but they went with someone from outside the center. I didn't apply because I love being in the classroom and I'm not ready to not be in the rooms.
      Now as for the other teachers respecting you, I'd be careful. Of the girls that applied, I kept  thinking what if so and so gets it. On the other hand, I was thinking that one of the others would have been great. Now, should you apply? I don't know. Are you ready to leave the kids and have to do all that paper work? I wasn't, but some people really do like to do it. And you  can always visit the classrooms. :)
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Should I apply?,
     There are a lot of variables involved. The stress level is greater, but how others would react would depend on your previous relationship with them, if anyone else is applying for the position (competition could cause hard feelings after) and  your qualifications.
        I have been the Child Development Coordinator in a summer program , working with others I normally work with during the school year.  It is hard to supervise people that previously were at the same level.  The paperwork is the easy part.  The relationships are the most difficult.  You have to be
professional and put those friendships in another category.
        Your confidence level and attitude make the difference.  I know some people who have made the move and wished they were back in the classroom. Only you can decide if you should apply.  Consider your needs.  Think about if you would miss teaching.  Personally, I would move into a permanent position at my summer program (a small group) but never in my other teaching situation (a large and very controlling group).  The programs are operated very differently.  Good luck whatever you decide.


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