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5/10/02 Question 153

Dear Preschool Teacher,
     Have you ever tried to split a large group of children so that you have only half the group for circle time?  I have an assistant but I can't figure out a good schedule for making sure both groups get equal time from me.

Dear Split-decision,
If you have an assistant, then splitting the group is a great idea! If you can, have half of the children go outside or engage in some puzzles or other table top games in another area, if the weather does not permit outdoor activities.

"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Split-decision,
     I have split the class for activities.  If you can get the other half out of the room it works.  It is very hard to do if you have the other half in the room.  My main problem is that if there is a behavior going on in the other group, I can't give my attention to the group I have. The children can't do it either.  So it's a good idea only if you truly are divided.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Split-decision,
You don't say how large your group is, their ages, or what your physical layout is like, but it certainly seems like a good idea to split the group if it is possible. Could one group be outside? Or having center time? Or puzzles and manipulatives? Play dough? Then each group would benefit from a more personalized rug time with you.
Kris P
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Split-decision,
I have tried to split a group of 20 children in half for circle but
have not had a great deal of luck. It depends on the size of the room or if you have an area where you can take the other half .  The children are afraid they are missing something and the noise level is too high in the same room.
      I usually try to have a shorter circle time and work up to a longer circle time.  Also, use a lot of props to keep them interested.  But if you have two separate areas it might work! 
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"


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