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3-29-00 Question 22

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    Our 3 year old son is currently in a daycare program at a local elementary school.  He has been there since he was 18 months old.  The problem lies with the Administrator of the program.  According to the guidelines when we originally placed him, 3 and 4 year olds are in their own classroom separated from the  18 months and 2 year olds.  Unfortunately, she has not moved our son into the 3 year old classroom.  I have contacted her about this and she indicated initially that she would "look into it" and let me know if there was enough room for him in the class.  I stressed to her that at this point he needs more structure in his daytime activities.  He needs to learn how to sit for longer periods (ie, more than 3 minutes at a time). He is incredibly advanced for his age, and neither my husband nor myself want him to lose that.  In the younger child classroom, he is not challenged at all.  Also, as of lately, he has been banging his head (like his friend, Bradley) when he is upset or tired or bored.  We do not want him to feel that we are punishing him by making him go to school.  He has a good time when he is there and asks to go to school.  He enjoys the whole atmosphere and learning process.  We don't push items on him to learn and we never have.  We just want the absolute best for him.  I indicated all of these items to the administrator and she attempted to ignore that part of the conversation.  I would not let her.  My question is, "Are we wrong for wanting our son to be challenged on a day to day basis?"  We do not look at his school as a "babysitter".  We do not want our child to sit around and have nothing to do.  We have heard far too many stories of children who are labeled as troublemakers in their early teens only to find out they are advanced and were just bored. 
Thank you.
My Son
P.S. All of his teachers think he is ready to move up to the 3 and 4 year old classroom also.

Dear My Son,
    I do not think you are wrong for wanting your child in the 3 year old class. If he is 3, he should not be with the 18 to 2 year olds.  Is there anyone else you can go to with this problem?  I would definitely keep insisting that he be moved up to the 3 year 
old class.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear My Son,
In my opinion, 3 is 3, and that is where your child should be!!! And I'd bet it involves a lesser fee ;) Tell the administrator you heard it from ME. (sorry, bad, I know)
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear My Son,
    I worked in a center where the Administrator did the same thing.  As a parent I would push for my child to be moved into the age appropriate class as soon as possible.  If he is starting to mimic other behaviors it could be that he is bored and is 
craving attention.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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