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3/8/01 Question 9

Dear Visitors,
     My 4yr. old is currently attending a Montessori preschool program which costs $500/month and am looking for a MUCH less expensive program/preschool before I go broke, in San Diego.
Going Broke

Dear Going Broke,
Have you tried looking into church preschools. They are usually inexpensive, but provide excellent care. They should be listed in the yellow pages under preschools or child care.

Dear Going Broke,
How about checking your local YMCA. Or you can try home schooling. Montessori schools are expensive.

Dear Going Broke,
Although home schooling is definitely an alternative, my advice is to keep him in a structured preschool environment. Montessori is an outstanding program but it is highly overpriced. As a Montessori teacher, preschool director and K teacher, I can sincerely tell you that the most important thing is that your child is in a safe place were he has fun at the same time he is learning. His self esteem needs to be strengthened by his ability to socialize and learn and this can only be achieved in a preschool.
Call your local licensing offices and ask for referrals. Use the yellow pages to ask for prices and then take a day to visit the schools within your price budget.
Best of Luck!!!

Dear Going Broke,
Check with your local public school programs.  Here in Texas you can qualify if you earn a certain income or if you are a second language learner.
     Another good resource is museum school.  They have excellent science discovery programs for preschoolers.

Dear Going Broke,
Have you tried searching the internet under private schools? That my be your best thing to do.

Dear Going Broke,
Check with your county for assistance. I live in Cook County and because I am going to school and working the state helps pay for the day care. I only have to pay a monthly co-payment depending on my income. And the best part is you can use any day care center.

Dear Going Broke,
I would check into community and church preschools to see what is available...and ask around.  Word of mouth is the bestseller!
L. in Canada

Dear Going Broke,
$500.00 a month is on the high end of preschool education. However, I live in Texas and for a regular preschool program it runs $420.00 a month. Childcare is expensive. If that's to high try to check into your local head-start programs. Head-start is a federally funded program and it is excellent program. You can also check into the YWCA they offer good preschool programs on sliding scale fee. Maybe try a mother's day out programs or a home day care provider that offer a complete learning center. I hope this helped. Good luck

Dear Going Broke,
Check with your local High Schools or Community Colleges to see if they run a lab-preschool program.  Many schools provide a preschool class for several hours a week for free or a very low fee.  The preschools are taught by students learning how to be teachers and supervised by a licensed teacher.

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