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3/1/01 Question 73

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    What is the education and or training required to be a preschool teacher? What are the salary ranges and benefits for this career? Describe the working conditions (place, hours per week)? What specific skills or abilities would you need to be successful in this career?  How available are positions in this field?  Will it be difficult or easy to get into this career? Why? What are the advantages to perusing this career (Likes)?  What
are some disadvantages of this career?
What's it like??

Dear What's it like??,
     You need a associates in Child Care and a CDA. There is always a need for teachers, so you will be able to find a passion some where.
      I went in to this career to help people help themselves. If you love children you should go into the Child Care . You get so many hugs in a day to last you a year. Children are awesome. You can teach them so much when they are at this age. Most days are a 8 hour day. I love children and if you do then this is the best job for you.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear What's it like??,
To get into this career is fairly easy, to stay in it is another one... The responsibilities are very high, because you take part in forming very precious beings. Things you do and say can have a tremendous impact on the child's future.
     The rewards are priceless, because children's hugs, smiles and slobber kisses can leave the even most grouchy person revitalized.
     The pay is generally not that wonderful, but I am a mom, who can bring her child to work, which to me is a great incentive by itself!
     I have 60+ college credits with 30 child development related credits. I believe the minimum is 18 child related credits.
But you are never done learning, it is essential to refresh and stay updated.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear What's it like??,
So much of what you ask would depend on your location, perhaps you could call a local college, night school or preschool to ask specific questions.
    The benefits of working with children are wonderful!  They are loving, exciting, curious and eager learners. There are times I am really tired -- but if I didn't love it I would find something else to do!  We guide and encourage the next generation,  what could be more important!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear What's it like??,
I live in Illinois and am a director/teacher in a 1/2 day preschool program only. We are not a child care center. I have an associate's degree. I believe the requirements are different depending on where you are from.
      Salary also varies. I live in a small rural community, and my pay isn't so great. I also have no benefits. This was the first year we were given any personal hours. I now have 24 personal hours.
      Where I teach the working conditions are great. My preschool is run by a board of directors who are mothers of children that attend the preschool. They basically let me make all the decisions on my curriculum, etc., so I don't feel like someone is breathing down my back. I'm basically my own boss. I have a great assistant that works with me and gets most of my prep work done. Since we are not a day care center, my hours are part-time. I work 23 hours a week. For me that is great because it gives me time to be with my own children.
      The most important skill you would need for this job is patience and a love for children. Working with children can be very rewarding but at times can also be stressful. 
      I feel it will be easy to get a job in this field because I feel the turnover is high due to pay and lack of benefits. People usually get into this field because of their love for children--not to become rich.
     The advantages to pursuing this career would be working with the children. I can go to work in a bad mood (sometimes from dealing with my own teenager in the AM!) and when the children arrive I forget I'm in a bad mood and enjoy their sweetness. The disadvantage to this career would be the lack of benefits, low pay and the stress that is sometimes associated with this job.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear What's it like??,
Here are the answers to the best of my knowledge:
(Of course it also depends on the location)
      Education/training:  Depends on where you want to work,
public schools require a four year degree in early childhood education, Head Start requires a two year degree (Associate) or a CDA and many day care centers require some experience and a high school diploma.
      Salary/Benefits:  The more education usually means the more pay. Public schools usually have all the benefits, insurance and retirement. Private schools vary.  Some have insurance but no retirement benefits. Day care really varies.  Most are offering insurance but the benefits are usually
      Working conditions vary greatly. Most are full-time . They have to follow state regulations so they are usually clean and  offer some supplies.  They can be in schools, churches and private homes.
       Specific skills: Patience, patience and patience.  The love of children is necessary too. The ability to be flexible is an asset. Creativity, kindness, and some behavior management skills are important.
       Availability:  Depends on the area where you live. Day care is probably the easiest to find. Public schools may be the most difficult. This field is growing rapidly with many families needing both parents to work. The advantages are that you can have an impact on a child's life. You can shape his future to some extent. Give the child extra attention and start them on a promising future, loving to learn and explore his world.     
       Disadvantages are the pay and sometimes the benefits.  It is difficult for single parents unless you have a good support system.
       What's it like: It varies a great deal depending on the children, the parents and the working conditions. If you like children and can live off the income (you will never be rich financially, but it is personally very fulfilling) you will do well.  I've been doing this for 18 years and I still
love it! 
Good Luck!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear What's it like??,
Here in Ontario, Canada a two year college certificate is required in Early Childhood Education. You can also study in the evenings while you work, it just takes longer to graduate.  In Toronto, one college recently began an apprenticeship ECE program which is amazing for people who already work in the
field.  A teacher at your workplace becomes your sponsor and mentor and you do a lot of your practice teaching and assignments while you work.  Best of all, its government sponsored and free!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"


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